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Jon Baines ToursUpcoming Medical & Professional Tours

As a small ship, Aegean Odyssey remains comfortable and relaxed, though still stylish. I love the ship models in the reception area!’ [On shore excursions]: Overall excellent – we packed a lot in! I particularly enjoyed visiting the Art Nouveau Hospital of San Pau, Barcelona, La Vielle Charité in Marseille and the Ospedale degli Innocenti in Florence.

Jane Bowden-Dan, History of Medicine cruise in the Mediterranean, Sept 2017

Jon Baines ToursUpcoming Cultural Tours

‘Thank you for organising a wonderful tour of China. The professional and cultural aspects were really well presented and I had a fantastic time and have been telling all my friends about it. I am also saving up in case there are future travel options! This was a a trip which could not have been bettered - from start to finish.

Cynthia Wong, Occupational Therapy in China, March 2017